
Fostering the new age of telemark through events, competitions, merch, and general telemark nonsense.

Originally Telemark Colorado, TELE COLO was started in 2018 to introduce a culture in telemark representative of the new age and personal experiences.


TELE COLO is also focused on supporting the current and future athletes, contributors, and industry to promote continued growth of the sport and its participants to strengthen its survival in both the industry and the community...

and doesn't that just sound fancy.


In addition to organized on-snow telemark meet-ups, TELE COLO also revived the telemark film circuit and fun season long telemark video contests with the TELE FILM TOUR and Kings and Queens of the Heel.

Lead Idiot

CJ Coccia

Born and raised in the telemark mecha of... New Smyrna Beach, FL, CJ grew up in the world of surf swell reports and everything skateboarding.

CJ moved to the objectively snowier state of Colorado in 2006 to pursue a Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering. During this time he discovered the telemark turn. Inspired by the energy of the local telemark skiers and growing culture, CJ started TELE COLO.

Currently living in Summit County, CO, CJ strives to incorporate his experiences with skateboarding and skateboard films to introduce his vision of what the hell this telemark thing is all about!

Check Out CJ's Instagram

Brand Wrangler

Giorgia Menetre

A Colorado native, Giorgia grew up on the front range in Fort Collins, Colorado but fell in love with telemark on the slopes of Steamboat Resort.

So the legend goes, Giorgia first discovered the turn at the age of 7 after telling her Tele Dad she wanted to “free the heel and ski for real".

Since connecting with CJ and the TELE COLO crew in 2020, Giorgia has been a force to reckon with, skiing as a TC athlete, writing for the TELE COLO zine, and now, taking on the role of branding manager.

Currently a desert dweller in Southern Arizona, Giorgia is committed to cultivating an inclusive tele culture and not giving a sh!t about the snow or how low her turn looks, instead focusing on how it feeds her soul. 

Check Out G's Instagram